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My Current Diet

Breakfast 2 slices of toast 1/3 of an avocado 200g yogurt 1 serve of WPI 2 eggs cooked in 10ml of olive oil Explanation Toast -...

Weight Training will make you bulky

A long held belief by woman seeking to lose weight is that weight training will make woman bulky and look like a bodybuilder. As if it...

How to get great legs and Glutes

Legs and Glutes have become the most important muscle groups of most trainees in the gym. Both men and woman spend a large amount of time...

There are fat loss shortcuts

Fad Diets Fad diets work to lose weight but they always have one problem. They are a diet and not a lifestyle change. It’s not your diet...

Self Sabotage

It’s really difficult to succeed when you give in to that inner voice of self doubt that sabotages your goals. Habits come in many forms...

Me at 47

Bodybuilding later in life I am 47 years of Age. I have been lifting weights since I was 15 years old. I first competed when I was 20...

Tomorrow’s problem

Why do we put things off until tomorrow? Why do we ignore problems and hope they go away? Diet and exercise are high on this list. I’ll...

The Easy way to lose Weight

If that heading caught you then you are probably looking for a hopeful easy solution without too much effort. Unfortunately I am not one...

Big is Beautiful - But is it Healthy

In my short lifetime I have seen some huge shifts in what is considered beautiful. Let’s face it, us humans are creatures of extremes. I...

The Gold Standard for Fat Loss

Different Approaches There are many schools of thought on how to lose body fat and get into shape. The approach depends on what image you...

Missing personal Training

Missing Personal Training It’s been 5 months since the last workout with my clients and I am missing PT. I don’t necessarily miss the...

Are you really training hard?

What is Intensity? Intensity can be thought of as 2 things how hard you think you are training and how hard you are actually training. In...

The Best Diet Program is?

Calories in versus Calories out? The only way to lose weight is calories in versus calories out. Period and end of story. So why is it...

The Right Coach

How do you choose a coach when many ‘good coaches’ are giving the same information? Coaching is about finding a person that you can have...

How Important is it?

We would all love to be in shape. But there is a big difference between liking the idea and actually wanting it enough to do something...

Blog: Blog2
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