Why do we put things off until tomorrow?
Why do we ignore problems and hope they go away?
Diet and exercise are high on this list.
I’ll start tomorrow. It’s my New Years resolution. I’m not ready yet. Next week.
Poor Health is the result of waiting until you have poor health before facing the problem.
If you wait for your car to blow up it’s going to be an expensive fix compared to getting a regular service.
Do you want to wait for your first heart attack before you fix your problem. Will you wait for your doctor to put you on various different medications before you decide to do something about it.
Today is the day. Today you start. Take one small step towards your health.
Start by reconciling your food intake so you know how much food your eating and then cutting back your food.
Start by walking or joining a gym.
Start by just getting up and being more active.
Start with something.
If your confused. Get help with your plan. Find someone who can put you on the right path.
Get a trainer.
Do it today so that your next step is not your cardiologist discussing how to keep you alive. As morbid as that sounds, this is the reality of when most people seek help.
When it’s almost too late.
Do it today.