How to Use Carbohydrates
It doesn’t matter what time of the day you eat carbohydrates in terms of adding to your body fat levels.
It’s your calories over days and weeks that matters more but that doesn’t mean that you can’t time when you eat more carbohydrates and less carbohydrates.
This can definitely help you to have enough carbohydrates for training and enough carbohydrates to recover.
The best time to eat the majority of your carbohydrates is before you exercise and after you exercise.
Approximately 2 to 3 hours before training so you can have available energy.
After training so that you can recover the carbohydrates you eat.
What sort of carbohydrates are best before and after exercise?
Generally faster digesting carbohydrates around workouts are best. These include white rice and potato and fruits such as banana and pineapple.
At other times it is best to be eating high fibre carbohydrate sources such as vegetables and leafy greens.
I am very much in favour of adding protein sources with carbohydrate
Sources to slow the feed of carbohydrates and to create food satisfaction.
Depending on your metabolism you will be eating more carbohydrates at other meals and at these meals it is better to have a little more fats to reduce the speed of digestion of carbohydrates.
The recovery from exercise depends on the intensity and duration of exercise and you may need to extra carbs after exercise.
If your trying to lose weight you may need to reduce carbohydrates and calories as a whole.
When it comes to carbohydrates try not to have too many rules. But if you have issues digesting carbohydrates and get some bloating make some adjustments to your carbohydrate sources.