It’s really difficult to succeed when you give in to that inner voice of self doubt that sabotages your goals.
Habits come in many forms and self sabotage is a habit, a very bad habit. But all the same it is a habit and a very difficult habit to conquer.
The reason why is so bad is because it’s so deeply ingrained and it appears to be habit that comes from very low self esteem self worth.
If you don’t value yourself you are not going to believe that you are capable or deserving enough to achieve something.
This is a habit that so many times happens when you are so close to achieving something but just when you were close you started fearing failure.
Obviously success is a formula and self sabotage is not trusting that the formula will work. So you deviate from that formula.
With athletes there can be years of planning that goes into being successful and a moments self doubt to ruin years of planning.
One moment to ruin years of sacrifice and training. What is the formula for preventing that from happening?
I know many times I have questioned my own self worth and I have not always trusted the process. It’s a tough feeling to conquer when at the last minute you can be filled with fears of failure and self doubt.
I believe that when I have been the most successful is when I have a written plan that I follow to the letter. The saying that Failing to plan is planning to fail is very true for me.
I have to have my workout plans, my diet plan, my weekly goals and my measurements tools. If I didn’t, I know I won’t succeed.
The keys to goal setting are always about making a plan to reach a goal and being sure to assess the results and reassess the plan if it needs to be adjusted.
Many people fail to plan and in that case they never succeed. As a trainer the hardest plan people find to follow is the nutrition plan. They don’t want to follow it because it’s difficult and restrictive.
All goals worth achieving are not easy and involve something that needs to be given up,
But true success comes from following a plan that can be tedious and demanding. But that’s the key to success.
Second guessing will always happen when you want to successful at something. Making a plan and being willing to follow the plan will take you where you want to go.
Follow the process, enjoy the process and enjoy the results.