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Stop with the Extreme Diet Changes

Stop with the Extreme Diet Changes The biggest killer of your diet progress is making extreme diet changes. In fact the reason you are...

Fibre helps to Lose Weight

Benefits of fibre Fibre cleans out the Colon. Fibre keeps the colon clean and this is important if you eat meat as fibre helps to prevent...

Snacking is making you fat

Snacking is making you fat The wrong snacks versus the right snacks. The first reason that snacking is wrong is the type of food people...

Tempo or Rep Speed

Tempo or Rep Speed This is the speed of your reps and it is broken down into 4 parts. Negative phase or lowering - The negative phase is...

Accountability and responsibility

What is the difference between responsibility and accountability? Responsibility is your ability to respond to a situation and make your...

Are we becoming Afraid to Lose?

Everyone gets a Prize This is the biggest issue with schools and sports these days is that everyone gets a prize. The participation medal...

Obesity is Genetic

Obesity is Genetic Is obesity nature or nurture? Many people will tell you that because their parents were obese and their grandfather...

Fats and Proteins are more important

Why Protein and Fats are more important than Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give energy but in terms of true function don’t have a large...

Scale Measurements are Like Gambling

Scale Measurements are Used for the Wrong Purpose You stand on the scale and your down 1 kilo. That’s a great result and your so excited...

Focus on Intensity

Intensity not calories burnt I have been working in the fitness industry for 15 years and I have been competing in bodybuilding on and...

A Huge Life Change (part 1)

In 2007, 15 years ago this month I finished my certificate III and IV in fitness, paid my insurance and registration and I was all ready...

Blog: Blog2
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