Benefits of fibre
Fibre cleans out the Colon.
Fibre keeps the colon clean and this is important if you eat meat as fibre helps to prevent indigested meat from staying in the colon.
Fibre is filling and along with meat creates a feeling of satisfaction after eating.
High volume low calories and low carbohydrate content. This makes fibrous foods much better to consume if you want to lose fat.
Fibrous foods tend to be consumed by the beneficial bacteria of the intestines and this tends to have systemic health implications throughout the body.
Fibre is important in maintaining a healthy body mass and a healthy body fat level. Which makes for a better overall health.
Which fibre is better for you?
There are essentially 2 types of fibres but many forms of the those different fibres.
Insoluble fibre - Which is prominent in your grains, such as wheat, rice, barley etc. These fibres tend to move through the body faster and can prevent some nutrients from absorbing. It’s important to her some insoluble fibre but too much can create malnutrition for some vitamins and minerals and create deficiencies.
Soluble fibre as the name suggests absorbs a lot of water and forms a gel or large volume stool. Normally when you eat a lot of soluble fibre the transit through the digestive system is slow and cause constipation especially if not enough water is consumed.
The Balance of soluble and insoluble fibre.
In order to stay regular it’s important to have some grain fibre for the insoluble fibre and also vegetable fibre as this is soluble fibre.
When combined in balance the transit of food through the digestive system is fast enough to prevent constipation but slow enough that the soluble fibre forms a stool large enough and heavy enough to be easily excreted.
How do we know if we are having enough fibre.
You are regular and your stools neither sink to the bottom nor float to the top of the toilet bowel.
If you need to wipe excessively you may need to eat more fibre as healthy stools are not sticky and have a lighter colour.
It has been demonstrated that a healthy digestive system besides being beneficial for maintaining a healthy bodyweight also can have benefits in preventing or helping fight cancer.