Front Squats are a forgotten exercise which is a shame because they are an exercise that hit the quads quite well.
The advantages of front Squats
The weight position is right over the centre of gravity which is pretty much the centre of the feet.
For taller people it’s easier to stay upright because of the bar position.
Because of the bar position you are able to get more knee flexion without bending over at the hips.
The bar position puts a lot of strain on the upper back muscles which for many people is the weak link.
The awkward position of the bar makes many people uneasy as the bar feels like it is pushing into the throat.
Tight quads and hip flexors make it awkward to get depth without falling forward. Reasonable flexibility is needed.
Beginning lifts will find the bar position painful because they don’t have much muscle to cushion the weight.
Technical pointers
Place the bar across the shoulders and upper chest.
Cross the arms and place the hands over the top the bar
Lift the elbows up high while retracting the shoulder place.
Lead with hips and then allow the knees to flex as you squat.
Keep the elbows high and the Torso high.
Unlike Squats the knees will travel a little more forward as you squat. To account for the higher Torso position the feet a little wider than shoulder width
Front Squats can be beneficial for tall people with longer legs who find it difficult to hit the quads on rear barbell Squat.
Watch the video and not the position of the elbows and position of the Torso.
Give them a go on your next leg Workout.