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Writer's pictureKent Nestler

What is your Purpose

Why you do something or why something exists.

That is the pure definition of purpose according to the Cambridge dictionary.

When you hear someone say they did it on purpose. It means they meant to do it. They had a purpose to do what they did it.

Without purpose you will never achieve a lot from anything in life. There has to be a reason.

As mentioned before many people complain of not being motivated. That's because they lack purpose. They lack the reason for doing what they are doing.

Motivation is the initial driving force, and purpose is the why you are doing it.

My purpose as trainer is to show people the way towards their goals. I want to educate people in taking their purpose and giving them direction.

If I have to drive to the shops I need a purpose. That may be the need for food. Then I need directions on how to get to the shop.

Once you have a purpose you need to find directions for the why you are doing something. That is your plan.

Making a plan is important because that gives directions to your purpose. That is the next important step in getting to your goal. Or the purpose of why you are doing what you are doing.

The next important thing we need is fuel. Your can't drive your car to the shop without fuel. That's the same with your purpose and direction. You need the fuel to give energy to get you to your puspose.

You have to keep fueling your goals with a daily mental push. That means every day you must fuel your desire. Make goals each day. Each day is a new day with new goals that bring you a step closer to your purpose.

Finally you have to look at the map of your journey and see where you are and how far away you are from your destination. This is to make sure that you haven't started off the path and lost your purpose and direction.

Like I said, my job is take peoples goals in this case Fitness and Health and give them direction and take measurements regularly to show them that they are on the right path.

If you find yourself driving blindly in a direction and then you look and realise you have strayed off course and your lost. Take the time to assess your purpose, get a new direction and this time assess that you are going in the right direction.

Never be scared to ask for help. Just like Google Maps on your trip to a place you have never been. A coach can take you to a place you have never been and show you the right path. A trusted source.

If you are unsure. Seek help and don't be too proud to ask for guidance.

Don't be the person who takes out the IKEA furniture and attempts to put it together without the instructions. Or you need someone to help hold one section while you attach another part.

We all know how that goes with the IKEA furniture.

If your lost, ask for help and get help to get back to your purpose.

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