Diet Breaks
When you have long term goals longer than 3 to 6 months it may be important to break those goals up into steps or periods. Especially when it comes to losing large amounts of weight or contest preparation.
When you are on reduced calories for long periods your metabolism will adjust to reduced calorie consumption by down regulating. Results tend to diminish which can be frustrating and demoralising.
To avoid this situation diet Breaks can be handy. This doesn’t mean going crazy and eating whatever you want to eat. It means adjusting calories higher for a week or two or even a month.
After the diet break, calories can be reduced again into a deficit to start the fat loss process again.
Diet breaks are both a mental break and a physical break. They are a way to recharge and regroup. Maybe enjoy some nice meals.
I suggest putting limits on diet breaks such as gain no more than 2 kilos which should be mostly water weight. Never make them longer than a month. It’s difficult to start again after too long a period Relaxing.
With a well planned diet break you will be amazed at how well your body responds after the break.
Why not try it. Just make sure to plan the breaks the same as you plan your weight loss.