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Writer's pictureKent Nestler

PCOS polycystic Ovarían Syndrome treatment

What is PCOS?

polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a disease where cysts form on the Ovaries. This is caused by the over production of male hormones and is characterised by insulin resistance.

The change in hormones causes cysts to grow on the ovaries and can affect menstrual cycles and can make it difficult for woman with PCOS to become pregnant.

Treatment Options

There are a number of hormonal treatment options and dietary options that have been put forward to treat PCOS.

1. Low Carbohydrate diet - Whilst it would appear that low Carbohydrate diets would be a great treatment option considering that PCOS results in insulin resistance it seems that these diets do very little to treat PCOS.

2. High protein diets - These show a small effect in reducing PCOS but not enough to be hugely benefícial.

3. Hormone treatments - These have an affect but the underlying reason for why it’s happening still remains so these treatments are like a band aid.

4. Weight loss - Weight loss has been shown to cause a dramatic change. The change measured is larger than any medicinal treatments.

5. Exercise - Exercise and specifically weight training has a huge effect on the treatment of PCOS.


The combination of a high protein diet, exercise and weight loss will have the biggest impact on reducing PCOS.

When treating PCOS getting healthier by exercising, eating better and losing weight is the best option.

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