Falling off the Wagon
You started the process of losing weight. You've been going for a few weeks training hard and losing weight.
Everything is going smoothly and you think to yourself this getting into shape business is not so hard. I'll keep going like this and in 3 months I'll lose 12 kilos.
Then comes the first real test. A birthday party, a holiday, a work function, any events where there is food, alcohol and pressure to consume foods not on your plan.
You get through the weekend thinking you haven't faired too bad. Just to be sure you stand on the scales on Monday morning.
To your complete amazement or shock you're up a kilo. Your not in the habit of weighing on Monday's but you just wanted to be sure that you didn't do too much damage.
Why you gained weight
You gained water weight from the excess of carbohydrates and potentially some bodyfat but not as much as you think.
Where does the water go? Into the muscles along with stored glucose and Some water retention extracellularly or under the skin.
How long does it take to get rid of the extra kilo?
This is why weighing regularly gives a good guide to your weight fluctuations and how long it takes to lose water weight from excess weekend food. As weird as it sounds daily weighing demonstrates how much your weight fluctuates.
As a general rule most of the water will be gone by the end of week and then some if you continued your exercise program and nutrition plan.
How to avoid damaging weekends of excessive eating
First of all don't try to avoid birthdays, holidays and excessive weekends. Instead just choose to eat less or choose the best foods based on what's available or share dessert.
Eat less food during the week if you know that the weekend has events that may break your diet. Keep in mind that it's your consumption over the long haul that makes the difference. Not one or 2 days.
Don't punish yourself if the weekend was bad. Get straight back to the gym or exercise routine and straight back into life.
Stop calling it a wagon
Falling off the wagon sounds like your lifestyle is a wagon for the short term plan. This is thinking that needs to addressed. This is a change of mindset.
Gone are the days of guilt and punishment. Now is the time to eat and exercise in a way that allows you to lose weight or maintain weight and maintain health.
It's a wholistic approach that makes you more thoughtful, more proactive and more accountable (you account for life's distraction).